It's all in a name and now I've got one.
I’ll update later (hopefully today) with some notes about progress, but thought I’d leave this note as it’s interesting, to me at least.
I think a big part of an app’s success is its name. The movie “The Social Network” dramatizes the meeting between Sean Parker and Mark Zuckerberg as a pivotal moment in the history of the world’s most famous social network. If it’s true you have to hand it to them, “we’re Facebook friends” sounds better than “we’re The Facebook friends.” How silly would introductions be? Here’s Mark Zuckerberg, the The Facebook CEO and Founder. “The the?” I don’t know if I’ve ever listened to the band of that name just because that word in repetition gets on my nerves. Besides then if somebody asked “what are you listening to?” I’d have to say “The The The” and I don’t know if I could without devolving into semantic saturation.
Anyway, to the point at hand, I woke up with my app’s name in my mind and the URL of the same name was available. And the name is fun to say. Again, I’ll let you know what it is closer to completion.