KC’s American Kitchen & Marin Brewing Company - February 6, 2016

Do you have a favorite dish? I mean one or two that if you see them on a menu, you know you’re getting it? Every have that come back to bite you? Me too. I really like biscuits and gravy. Unless the sausage is sage based, then it’s for the birds. I found this out the hard way when we started an annual tradition of stopping in Windsor for breakfast before heading south on Sunday. Every year I ask if they’ve changed their recipe, they indicate they haven’t, so I generally order something else.
We left on Saturday this year, owing to the fact there was going to be a little football game down on the Peninsula the next day and driving around in that seemed like a terrible idea. We’d normally stop at Lagunitas and enjoy a solid lunch, but arriving in Petaluma so soon after breakfast didn’t bode well for beer and brisket consumption. We decided to mosey down to Marin Brewing Company instead. Above average beers, but nothing too spectacular. But there was one really interesting one.

Funky Sea Monkey - A collaborative gose brewed with squid ink. Very interesting and quite enjoyable. Made me glad we opted for MBC instead of Lagunitas. How often do you get to say you drank a beer made with squid ink?

Have I ever told you how much I loath ciabatta break as a hamburger bun? The Mt. Tam Burger with Bacon, Avocado, Sautéed Onions, and Jack Cheese was great, except for the bun.
My AirBnB for the night was in Daly City, right across from the famous Cow Palace. Little did I know, until I’d already checked in for the night, that one of my favorite chefs from Minneapolis - Thomas Boemer of Corner Table and Revival, was at the Cow Palace doing stuff for the pre-Super Bowl Taste of the NFL. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be seeking out his spots during Super Bowl week 2018.
After a night in Daly City, despite my host being great, I was ready for the city. So I went to the city.