2014 and me.
I wanted to write this up sometime in the wee hours of the new year. Early enough that if the year were a yardstick, and time measured along its length, the beginning and this post’s creation would abut with no perceptible difference. Alas. I said I’d be inebriated when putting this down, while the chemicals may have been metabolized and no longer share their effects, I still count myself incredibly drunk and high. Drunk with possibilities that lie ahead, finally on this side of the horizon, still distant but getting closer every day. I’m high on my hopes, aspirations, and love and affectations for most of you. I wish you all nothing but the best in the new year and beyond.
It seems the only time I’m moved to write up something that I put up at the URL that bears my name is when the year transitions. I like to hope that doesn’t mean, or seem, that I have nothing to say. Those that pay attention to my like named Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts know that don’t take a vow of silence annually only to break and renew along with the year.
2014 and the year prior would look very similar on the surface. Still big, still in Minnesota. Beer, roller derby, food.
I started at a new company right as the year transitioned and I really enjoy working there, I think I want it to be my last job before I do my own thing, I may switch roles in the company this year if I can, but I don’t see myself leaving until my solo stuff flies.
I baked. Oh did I bake. Cookies, bars, pastries, pies, cupcakes, breads, pizzas, etc. I had 2 sourdough starters going at one point. I have huge bins for flours. I have an unhealthy number of half sheet trays with accompanying silicone baking mats, but not enough mini-muffin pans. This doesn’t even include the various other sweets that are made from labor and love, not heat and chemical reactions. The best part was I got to try more than 40 things that I’ve never made before and I got to share the goods with my coworkers or the crews at some of my favorite restaurants. One even asked for the recipe of one of my own creations so they could put it on the menu.
I traveled a bit.
I became a “beer tourist.” I went to Northern California on a specific Friday in February just to try a beer that is only available during a two week period. I’m headed there to do it again 5 weeks from today.
I went to New York City for a conference on software testing. I found and picked that conference solely because it was in NYC. I got to eat at famous restaurants that set precedent and started some of the amazing food trends that captivate me and cause me to spend too much money on Kickstarter projects and weird ingredients so I can try to replicate some of that awesomeness at home.
I went to California again to drink beer and hang out with the West Coast DeWees and Harris clans. I brought them a 50 pound suitcase of good beer that doesn’t make it out there yet.
I went to Ohio for a really long weekend. Initially it was so I could finally meet up with Beth, a friend I’d communicated with solely online and experience a meal at The Greenhouse Tavern, a really good restaurant in Cleveland, but it also let me experience what it was like to work in an honest to goodness pie shop. Beth and her sister Britt own a pie shop. It’s awesome. I got to do almost everything, it was awesome -except for the apple peeling, that wasn’t too appealing, but there were power tools. Beth and her sister pour themselves into their shared creation and make something magical. Seeing how the community embraces them and how they give back is really inspiring. Beth and her husband Chris have an awesome kid and another on the way. An awesome family all around.
I bought season tickets to another roller derby league. I’m friends with announcers in both leagues, it’s fun to see and hear their personas, and it’s still as fun as ever to see the camaraderie of the women skating. Plus it helps kill the inevitable cabin fever before it can set in.
I read a lot of books. I’ve purposefully started looking for authors that aren’t like me so I can get a glimpse into the genre works that are spawned from different life experiences. Lots of women, other ethnicities, sexual persuasions.
I reconnected with some old friends, made some new.
I was a groomsman in another wedding. Bruce married his long time friend Rochelle. He’s lucky, she gives him more focus and a reason to leave work at work. They have a lot of dogs and other animals, seriously, it’s like the Brady Bunch up in there.
I finally have a growing appreciation for whiskies, bourbons, ryes, and a few scotches. This doesn’t help the pocket book.
Most proud that I started to volunteer. With JAMF, with Surly Gives A Damn, with CONvergence, by myself. It’s really rewarding.
What adventures lurk in 2015?
Travel. The passport is being renewed and it’s going to be used, maybe I’ll write next year’s missive from some tropical location. California again, Ohio if the Kaboths will have me again, Austin to have some good food and check out some spots in Massawyrm’s books, Argentina to go to the source of the Malbecs I thoroughly enjoy and see what wines and beers aren’t leaving the region, those are the desired spots.
Eating. A little less most days, a different spot more often on the others. The Minneapolis & St. Paul area has a great amount of awesome food going on. I want to taste it.
Fermentation. I’m going to be making lots of fermented foods. Kimchi, kraut, pickles, meats, breads, cheeses, beer, kefir, whatever, it’s coming.
Inventions. I have a 3-D printer coming that I’m going to use to prototype some kitchen gadgets and other doodads that I’ve always craved but don’t exist yet. Who knows, you might see a Kickstarter project or two from me in the later half of the year.
Volunteering. I already have some spots pencilled in, but will hopefully doing a lot more to help others with sweat equity instead of just tossing money at issues.
Writing. I’m going to finish some long gestating projects so I can start on new ones.
Reading. I want to delve more into some issue non-fiction by people unlike me so I can hopefully garner an understanding of the life experiences I’m not affected by given I’m me.
Apps. I’ve a couple coming soon that should be great.
Website(s). You’re going to read a lot more from me this year.
Biking. I want to ride my bicycle home from work by the end of summer, to work too, but I’m being more reasonable than optimistic. I want to put way more miles on my motorcycle this year than I did last.
Again, I wish you all nothing but the best in the new year and beyond.