That was 2015.
I really liked 2015, this was a great year, but it had a bittersweet ending.
A lot of people came into my life this year. Some went out.
Before I met some of the people I did this year and got motivated to write more frequently, these yearly recaps were basically all you could expect from me. Alas, I’ve met people that make me want to communicate more, that inspire me, so this is my outlet. That’s partially why you’ve seen more words from me.
Another reason is that it’s practice. For what, you might ask? A book. I’ve been kicking around this idea for a couple of years based on an experience I had in the spring of 2012, and since then I’ve been doing research; last year a lot of the baking and cooking was research, this year a lot of the eating and writing. I still have a few dining posts to catch up on, and I’ll still do them occasionally, but now I’m doing it for fun, not necessarily practice.
Looking back on the goals I had for 2015, I didn’t meet most of them, no matter how politically you try to spin it. Looking at the list (Italics are future plans):
Travel? Not really, one trip to San Francisco to hang out with friends including one that’s more like a brother, a couple road trips to outstate Minnesota. I’m definitely going to travel more, the passport was renewed, and I’m contemplating destinations for later in the year.
Eating? Partial credit, I DID eat at a lot of different spots. I’m going to cook more this year, partly to stay in practice, additionally to work on my composition.
Fermentation? Mostly, I didn’t do cheese, meats, or beer. I’ll probably do meats and cheeses this year, I’m not dedicated or drinking enough to do beer.
Inventions? Beat to market on one, the second I’m getting ready to go. I’m looking at injection molders right now, after I pick one, then I need to figure out how much to ask for and do a video.
Volunteering? Knocked it out of the park, since mid-July I’ve volunteered almost every Saturday delivering for Open Arms, I also deliver whenever I end up being off during the week. They’ve now got gloves that fit my big hands, so I’ve also started kitchen shifts occasionally on Sundays, but that might change depending on some of my goals. Keep it up, do it more, figure out how to fit more shifts into the weekend.
Writing? Different than desired, but the words are flowing. Get the first draft of the book written.
Reading? I’ve definitely started delving into people unlike I am/was, the experience has made me realize a lot of things and put in motion some of my goals for this year. Keep doing this, try to read more.
Apps? I’m working on something for release soon. I think people might like it and use it. Actually finish it and get them out there.
Website(s)? If you’re a reader, you’ve definitely read a lot more from me. Look at moving this experiment to Squarespace or some other WYSIWYG solution so I don’t need to do code to write and I’m not limited by tumblr’s ecosystem.
Biking? Sadly no, in either regard. I need to fix this.
Okay, with that out of the way, are there any new goals? Yes! What are they? Funny you should ask.
Self Examination: We don’t do enough of this. One of the key things I’m examining is a decision that I made when I was 14 or so. I’m going to have a post about that itself soon, so I won’t go into it here. But the confluence of volunteering, introspection, and meeting an inspiring person have yielded an internal discussion that is going a direction I wouldn’t have expected it to even a year ago.
More 5Ks: I did my first on Thanksgiving, my next is scheduled for the day before Valentine’s Day. I’m probably going to sign up for one on/near St. Patrick’s Day in the next week or so.
A Suit: A long term goal that should benefit from the eating better, eventual biking, and more 5Ks is to wear a really dapper suit to a wedding in midsummer 2017. I figure sometime late this summer I can get an in between suit, I’ve never owned one. The industry I’m in, especially with the employers I’m comfortable with, don’t require anything beyond business casual at most, much less at some. The suit would be nice for the next goal, and going to operas and plays.
Dating: I might put myself out there. All I know is I’ve met a couple amazing women this year that made me realize I could desire again, and one that made feel like I could be desired. Who knows?
My continued wish, hope, and prayer is the best for you all in the new year and beyond. Listen, see, feel, taste, forgive, and love more deeply than you think is possible each and every day. Strive to judge, dismiss, and hate less each day until you forget you have the ability to harbor such behaviors.