Day 10: Busy.

Today was a long one. The saying is about wearing a lot of hats, but today I wore a lot of shirts. Delivering food with Open Arms of Minnesota in the morning, then around lunch doing the refreshments set up and manning at the inaugural MN Beer Run, then briefly home to feed the dogs and a quick nap before heading to Maplewood for a concert. I may post about the concert tomorrow, but won’t push to Facebook.
Bonus? I’m done with the scones and stroganoff, so tomorrow I need to cook something new, I’m thinking of going off book and doing gnocchi.
Double Bonus? My average is $4 day (excluding Thursday)
Day 1: $6.45 (I didn’t realize how much my free SweeTango apples were worth)
Day 2: $3.71
Day 3: $2.52
Day 4: $3.80
Day 5: $3.90
Day 6: $3.91
Day 7: $4.00
Day 8: $–.–
Day 9: $3.90
Day 10:$3.80
Total: $36.00
Average: $4.00