Day 9: Back on it.

After a day of lunch meetings and an evening of bacchanalia, today I resolved to get back on the path I set out upon, for a while at least. 

Today was a scone, stroganoff, and a beard fouling runny egg sandwich.

Day 1: $6.45 (I didn’t realize how much my free SweeTango apples were worth)
Day 2: $3.71
Day 3: $2.52
Day 4: $3.80
Day 5: $3.90
Day 6: $3.91
Day 7: $4.00
Day 8: $–.–
Day 9: $3.90

Total: $32.20
Average: $4.03 (I’ll try to get this down under $4 as time goes on)


Day 10: Busy.


Libertine - October 8, 2015